Tristan's Testimony 4/2014

Well I could tell you a huge testimony and just tell you how much the lord has blessed me on this mission, but something I have learned is that sometimes the most powerful testimonys are the simplest! So I will quickly share that I know without a doubt this is the true church, that there is a God and he loves each and everyone of us! I know that because of the lord I am able to have a strong family in the church and because of his son Jesus Christ I can be forgiven of my sins and make it back to him! One of my favorite quotes that I heard from the conference is from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf its in 1 nephi and it simply states that it is AFTER all we do, that by gods grace we will be saved!

February 2016

Feb. 7th....So the dad(the husband of the lady he is teaching) isn't taking the discussions but he comes to church and she has three kids who are all younger than eight so none of them will be baptized yet. But hopefully it will get them motivation to come. :) anyways we are trying to contact some referrals but are so busy and a little slow still with my ankle so hopefully it gets to full strength in a couple of weeks. But I am doing good here loving it and we got to play basketball earlier and so I am pretty tired but doing good. :) I will just start sharing a miracle in email now so this weeks miracle for us was last wednsday we got a referral from some random guy who lived in manila he had a friend here I guess that used to take missionary lessons and he wants us to go find him again so hopefully that turns out to be a new investigator. :) ... But what else we had some less actives attend church this last sunday and they are starting to warm up to us and want us to come back so thats awesome haha. I wanted to buy a little chicken this last week but I decided it would probably just die from being by it self all the time hahhaha. But love you guys keep me updated about the super bowl and let me know when the broncos win. :P hahah love you all love Elder Herrin aka The Rock
P.S. So I feel stronger yes but i know if I don't keep doing what i am doing and make time for the lord i could fall back to where i was. Our mission president put it like this. we are at a war with satan sometimes hes winning sometimes we are winning. of course we can push him back but if we push back and don't dig the fox holes to wait in for our strength to regain and our natural man to catch up then they are going to push us back to where we started. so after we progress dig fox holes as quick as possible then wait for strength and support then push some more and dig more fox holes. everyday is a struggle and challenge but I can tell as i do what is right every day I can feel myself improving then thats when i know I need to dig the fox hole keep doing what I am doing wait for more revelation read more pray for support then push some more until I can just run and have the faith where nothing can stand in my way. but i hope that answers it. Love you hope all is well keep me updated with sports and the super bowl. Love you and don't worry I will give lucas a whooping with two hands tied behind my back haha. love Elder Herrin aka Cam Newton hahah just kidding i want broncos
Feb. 14th.....hope all is well for you. miss you guys. we have done a lot of teaching a little frustrating when less actives and investigators don't keep commitments but we got some new referrals so that should be good hopefully we will be able to teach them and help them progress. The biggest miracle for me this week is seeing how much the bible and the Book of mormon support each other. its amazing and awesome to see. was zone pday so we are really tired and ready to take a nap before cleaning our apartment haha. but I don't know if we will have time to nap. ...I have really enjoyed studying lately and seeing how related everything is. I love this gospel and am glad to be apart of this great work. :)  love you guys tons and keep up the good work. Never Doubt the Lords power. Love Elder Herrin aka CAPTAIN AMERICA hahaha thats what everyone calls me.
Doing good. lots of miracles little time to share all of them. lets just say I really know a lot about the bible and bom not a lot but enough to shut out any doubts for investigators. :)  HAPPY VALENTINES DAY.
Feb. 21st...So guess what I am transferred again to Lopez Quezon I think. So that should be cool, I am really going to miss this area. I hate leaving my areas its always sad to leave because I get close with the people that are in them. ... But for the miracle of the week we have a brand new investigator. We taught him lesson 1 and invited him to church, we where a little afraid at first he wouldn't come but we were standing outside waiting for him, I had a feeling we needed to wait outside, so we were out there for about 10 minutes and church was about to start soon so we almost gave up then we saw a tricycle coming and we saw him and stopped the tricycle and he was happy to see us. He has started reading the Book Of Mormon and I know hes going to get baptized. He wants us to come back this tuesday. He was in an motor accident in 2014 that almost killed him and he said to us that he thanks the lord that he lived and is able to still be alive and see his family. He asked us to pray for him and it was just a huge miracle. He wants his whole family to be taught also. I really like this guy. . he is super nice and smiles a lot Its humbling to see someone like that he can walk and everything he just has tons of scars on his legs and can't walk like he used to he says but its cool hearing his story. But that was the miracle its going to be sad that I won't be there for his baptism but i am excited for him and his eternal progression. I have really got into the bible and am reading the new testament and have learned a lot and love the parables in them. Jesus Christ said he teaches in parables because "While seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand." thats why he teaches in parables and thats why I love object lessons. :) But I am doing good and am excited to leave but really sad also I love the people here in the Philippines and its so hard after every transfer but I know I will grow to love the people in my next area as well. Love you all Love Elder Herrin aka The Captain America
Feb. 29th....So first off lopez is not a nice town its a very poor town here but i am getting adjusted to moving form a really nice place to a poor one. But here is the good news, I am the district leader here and I am follow up training. I traveled by van and bus for 9 hours. I am guessing half of the time I was by myself but it was fine I got to watch some movies and other good stuff. I ripped my pants on the bus ride over so that sucked but at least it was the last bus there haha. My comps name is Francisco and he is philippino. there are 4 of us in the apartment and its been fun with 4. So crazy story. a guy like literally 50 yards from our apartment got shot in the head and died the guys got away on a motor bike we didn't see the body but we saw the blood left over it was gross. But I was grateful the lord has blessed me with safety this mission and has watched out for me and my family.  I am doing good here tho my comp likes basketball so I am happy haha. I sleep on the floor with a mattress. and the house makes me feel like I am in a cabin, everything is wood. I kinda feel a little sick but I am sure its just because everything here isnt as sanitary as in batangas but I am already adjusting pretty well. The water in the bucket when we shower is so cold. waking up in the morning and pouring it on me kills me but its wakes me up haha. I am loving the work here and the members have been great. the church here doesn't have many members I counted maybe 50 this sunday so there are lots of less actives to teach but I am ready for the extra work. I think my faith is going to grow the most in this area. The people here have been really nice and have been welcoming. I will take pics of everything here when I get the new card so I can send it to you. Also it always rains here which in Batangas is was sunny and hot. But its okay I still am going to love this area. if I spend 6 months here it will be my last area. I have three minutes left. Love you guys don't worry about me I am doing great. Love you guys. miss you time is so fast. don't waste a minute. I am loving the work and I am striving hard every day to reach my goals. Anyways love you all and hope all is well. Love Elder Herrin aka Stephen Curry